PG DDL 常用语法


alter table test add column_name int;
alter table task  add testname varchar(32) not null;


alter table test rename column status to status1;


alter table task alter column cusid type varchar(32) ;


alter table task alter column customerid type int using customerid::int;


alter table task drop column testid;

去除 not null

alter table task alter column remark drop not null;

设置 not null

alter table test alter column remark set not null;


alter table cus alter column xzqh set default 0;


create table test
  id integer not null
    constraint test_pkey
      primary key,
  testid integer not null,
  tasktype smallint not null,
  status smallint not null,
  remark varchar(500) not null,
  createtime timestamp not null

comment on table task is '任务';
comment on column test.tasktype is '注释';
alter table test owner to usertest;
postgresql | suger 2019-06-22 10:23:45